From the Blog

DAY 14: Friday, July 16, 2010

Sitting outside the tiny back room of the Re-Bar where we’re shooting today, DC Pierson, playing one of Grant’s young and unconventional speechwriters, asks me, “You write the blog, right?  How am I coming across?  Are you getting my (dramatic pause) many facets?” Well, honestly, no.  But I’m changing that now.

Instead of chronicling the minutiae of the small scene with Emily Bergl and Jason that I could not see – I was ousted from my spot at the monitor due to too little space – I’m checking out DC’s YouTubes.  I’m pleased to find DC is a writer in real life. He has advice for other aspiring authors:

And some practical advice to readers:

And some musings on Haagen-Dazs and love:

Now DC has to hold up his part of the bargain: giving me a fedora with a label saying “Press” dangling off the strings, so I feel more official.

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