From the Blog

DAY 5: Friday, July 2, 2010

In bed next to tissues and plenty of fluids for most of the day, I’m now armed with antibiotics and dying to get back to the set next week. I’m writing Friday’s blog on Saturday, as I’m already feeling better now and am getting secondhand reports of on-set happenings. The Fourth of July weekend provides much-needed days off for everyone working on the film.

Just got an email from our web coordinator delivering a message from Grant Cogswell: Jason’s 9-11 story is possibly the strangest he’s ever heard. Jason, let me know, or I’ll ask you on set Monday.

On-set romance alert: Our locations intern tells me our production designer (Laurie Hicks) and director of photography (Sean Porter) fell in love working on the set of a Grant Cogswell film, Cthulhu. It’s a horror flick about a gay protagonist’s foray into his dad’s New Age cult, not exactly the most romantic of collaborations. Still, by the looks of it, the PD-DP duo is going strong.

We’re behind on shooting, so playing catch-up. Friday’s shoot is mostly at the Comet Tavern. I want to try the Grant Cogswell sandwich, but I’ll have to wait until Monday to see firsthand. You should try it too, if you want to know what they’re eating when you watch the movie. Plus, I hear it’s good, and Maxim ranked the Comet one of the Top 10 American dive bars, according to its website.

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