From the Blog

DAY 6: Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jason Biggs’ 9-11 story: He’s on a promotional tour for American Pie II in Cologne, Germany, backstage at an “MTV-like place,” when someone calls from America to report the attacks. The news spreads among his artistic collaborators quickly, making their overall attitude less than optimal for touting a risqué comedic sequel filled with college humor.

Jason still goes onstage with the Pie II clan and is filmed live convincing the audience to see the movie. The rest of the tour is cancelled, but no one wants to fly. The promotional group drives back to London, takes a ferry from Belgium to Dover, then drives from Dover to London and stays there for six days. Grant Cogswell, you were right. That is the strangest 9-11 story I have ever heard. Oh, the alternate reality in which film folk live.

Today I meet the real Grant Cogswell, who has relocated from Seattle to Mexico City. I don’t get to speak to him or observe filming as much, because I’m put on extras wrangling duty. “Wrangling,” is an odd term, because they are generally competent, attractive, and completely unlike cattle. But I do have to herd them around the set.

In one of the scenes we film today inside the Comet Tavern, Grant announces to Phil that he is running for office. The glamour ends with Grant’s ambitions in this scene. Outside, one of the extras playing a hot dog vendor gets a parking ticket. Joel David Moore trips repeatedly on his entrance and makes the crew crack up. I man the door so no one enters while we’re rolling.

Petite and unintimidating, I become a bouncer of sorts, which amuses the generous and friendly people who run the Comet. Shane and Mike, thanks for becoming extras in the film even though all you were trying to do was get some publicity for your great bar.

The Comet has a visually distinctive character; the high ceiling is peppered with dollar bills that have somehow been stuck up there, and the ladies’ room has some of the most amusing bathroom stall writing I’ve found in any Seattle café. I’m still waiting for that Grant Cogswell sandwich. Crafty?

  1. Meli Alexander says:

    Hi, Sara…you are an excellent “wrangler”! Next change I get, I will check out the ladie’s room graffiti at The Comet :)

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