From the Blog

November in July

Mt. St. Helens Vietnam (Photo by Bob Fink)It’s November in July all this week as the crew from GRASSROOTS recreates the fateful Tuesday evening of the 2001 Seattle City Council election. In a film rich with nods to authentic Seattle places, people, and cultural icons, this week’s shoot will be an insider’s delight when it gets to the big screen. Even the real Grant Cogswell, visiting the set, remarked on how real the scenes felt.

Inside the Re-Bar, Cogswell supporters gathered to watch election results, competing for space with a variety of musicians. Mt. St. Helens Vietnam, the much admired local indie rock band, posed as a Pixies cover band, while an angry death metal DJ tried to wrestle the stage away from the Cogswell campaign.

In the background, a number of real Seattle musicians were extras.

It was loud, chaotic, and very funny.

Check out Mt. St. Helens Vietnam if you haven’t heard them before, in this SXSW performance.

  1. Darson says:

    awesome, that is so cool.

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