From the Blog

Tales from the Seattle Underground

Seattle’s proposed multi-billion dollar deep-bore tunnel is generating more controversy as people start to realize exactly what it is.

Slog recently reported a possible Seattle City Council evasive maneuver to declare the tunnel an emergency so that it can’t be put to a public vote. Slog also reported deep trouble for a Nevada tunnel project.

A Sierra club rep was on talk radio yesterday, talking about why the group opposes the tunnel. Crosscut proposes a strange, intoxicating idea: we could actually vote on it. You know, as if we lived in a democracy.

It isn’t easy to be really sidesplitting when discussing a subject like a multi-billion dollar underground transit project, but Goldy over at has been doing it for years, blogging acerbically from the beginning about “The Big Bore” as a “faith-based proposal” that he dubbed “Intelligent Transportation Design.” If you haven’t read that column, do yourself a favor and check it out.

And while on the subject of great ideas from the Horse’s Ass, why not revisit Goldy’s brilliantly conceived 2005 plan for a giant rollercoaster to replace the monorail that Seattle citizens voted for FOUR TIMES?

You know, the Monorail THAT NEVER GOT BUILT?

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