From the Blog

The Oil Spill: Real People Real Damage

With the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf Coast dominating headlines, BP CEO Tony Hayward and the government’s criminal investigation have taken the front seat for most media outlets. What gets lost in the nightly broadcast is the human side of the spill – get to know some of the people living day to day with the consequences: Businesses are suffering and people are angry, confused, and worried about the future. Check out these sites:
-National Public Radio’s interactive coverage of environmental damage in the Gulf Coast.
-Superimpose the area of the spill over your own hometown or any region in the world with Visualizing the BP Oil Spill Disaster.
-Read more about how the spill is affecting people on the coast.
-Put the spill in a global perspective
-Read about BP and the government’s reaction to the media attention in the Gulf.

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