From the Blog

The Seattle city blog

Seattle, like many cities, is well known for its political gridlock – witness the repeated vote for the monorail (Grant Cogswell’s passion when he ran) – and the city’s repeated resistance to building it. Anyway, the Mayor wants new ideas, and some of them are up on a dedicated city blog that explores such community suggestions as more street food (who doesn’t want that?), revitalizing Pioneer Square, free citywide wifi, and many more.

A lot of suggestions still revolve around the city’s woeful public transportation. People want more and better late night transit, they want expanded light rail and subway, and they want to make Seattle the country’s most bike friendly city (pipe dream – too many hills).

Here are the top three “Ideas for Seattle” as voted by readers of the site. They sum the city’s cultural sensibility up nicely:

1. Legalize Marijuana and Tax it.
2. Expand Light Rail.

The Number Three vote-getter – but the most-commented on (what about the sand fleas?), is:

3. Official Nude Beaches.

Read more here about the self-proclaimed world center of “free-spirited clothing-optional cultural events.”

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