Michael Nardelli
As many of you may know, on Wednesdays, someone from the GRASSROOTS camp takes over our FACEBOOK page and answers questions from fans. Today it’s going to be MICHAEL NARDELLI, an up and coming actor to watch out for! You may not know who he is yet, but you will. Trust me. Michael Nardelli is a part of our Grassroots cast AND he just wrapped a movie acting alongside DEMI MOORE and KATE BOSWORTH called THE REASONABLE BUNCH. (On a side note, Demi Moore will be forever cool for shaving her head in GI JANE).
I can’t lie to you and say that i’ve met Michael, but for some reason his name keeps coming up! Every time I hear Michael Nardelli, it’s followed by “what a great guy,” or some variation thereof. The gossip in the grapevine is that this guy is a real keeper. So I got to thinking, everyone who meets him becomes a fan because he is such a great guy AND he’s pretty dreamy looking…I can’t imagine a better candidate for a Tiger Beat cover!!! I think the last Tiger Beat I owned had Jonathan Taylor Thomas on the cover. Pretty sure you take the cake, Nardelli. Check out our Facebook page to get to know this heartthrob in the making
I think you should make the Michael Nardelli Tiger Beat cover. Just sayin’.