From the Blog

DAY 21: Tuesday, July 27, 2010

West Seattle’s Youngstown Cultural Arts Center is the location of today’s shoot – actually, two in one. First, the reception office becomes the office of the Seattle Weekly, then the lobby of the theater becomes venue for a meeting of Rise Above It All, a group of lobbyists for the monorail led by Cobie Smulders’ character, Clair.

Given that today’s location is a center for arts education, it’s appropriate that Jason and Joel give camera intern Zachary Russo a lesson on working your way up in Hollywood:  You may get a hard time for wearing a shirt that makes your torso look wrapped in an American flag.  Jason and Joel start singing a new version of “God Bless America” as Zack wields the slate next to them: “Stand beside Zach, and guide Zach!”

This whole movie pokes fun at the fumbles of a grassroots politician while commending his cause and effect.  So what’s the harm in the actors teasing a highly capable and valuable camera intern, with a patriotic gesture no less? Getting roasted on set by Jason and Joel is a sort of tribute.

Zach is not the only one receiving lessons today.  An extra teaches Stephen how to become a fan of the Grassroots Facebook page, in front of a crowd of other extras.  “I was always a fan, but Josephine showed me how to prove it,” says Stephen.

Staying humble allows him to constantly learn from those around him, an honorable quality in not just a film director, but also in any type of leader.

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